Become a WSBW Sponsor

Official Partners

Covering online and onsite branding visibility, the different sponsorship levels offer a wide range of options from coffee breaks and cocktail receptions to advertising, and giveaways, each of which can be customized to suit your requirements. Position your brand as an industry leader and enhance its visibility by promoting it in front of the entire global ecosystem.

The World Space Business Week has been internationally recognized as a must-attend event over the years. Supported by the main leading and fast-growing actors of the ecosystem, the event has been gathering for 27 years the leaders and decision makers of the entire satellite value chain. Sponsoring the event is a unique opportunity for your company to:

  • Position the brand as a leading actor in the business
  • Increase the brand’s exposure to 1,600+ leading decision-makers
  • Associate the brand with one of the most reputable events in the sector
  • Promote the brand in front of the entire global ecosystem

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