Barbee Ponder

Job Title

General Counsel and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs



Speaking At



Barbee has served as General Counsel and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Globalstar since July 2010. In this role he has directed Globalstar’s regulatory and licensing activities around the world.

Barbee has led the international regulatory effort required for the commercial introduction of the world’s first satellite direct-to-device service, now providing mobile satellite connectivity to millions of people globally. This effort included the expansion and licensing of Globalstar’s ground network now consisting of 28 gateway Earth stations in 18 countries.

Most recently, Barbee worked to secure the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s reauthorization of Globalstar’s senior HIBLEO-4 constellation filing for an additional 15-year license term.

He holds a law degree from Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia and a Bachelor of Science in Management degree from Tulane University’s A.B. Freeman School of Business in New Orleans, Louisiana.