Johann Du Toit

Job Title

CEO & Co-founder


Simera Sense

Speaking At



Born in 1974 near Cape Town, South Africa.
I studied for an MSc in Mechanical Engineering at Stellenbosch University, specializing in advanced structural design.
I am the co-founder of the Simera Group and founder and CEO of Simera Sense.

I have been fascinated by optics and space since childhood, even writing a poem about the life of a photon travelling through the vacuum of space. Little did I know that catching photons would be the core of my career years later.
After completing my master’s degree in mechanical engineering, I had the opportunity to contribute to the optomechanical structural simulation of the spherical aberration corrector for the SALT telescope in Sutherland, South Africa. This experience provided me with a comprehensive introduction to the design and simulation of precision optical structures, focusing on identifying and mitigating factors that could compromise the performance of optical systems.
Subsequently, in an exciting journey, I was involved in the simulation and structural testing of various systems, ranging from dental implants to submarine sensors, battle tank transporters to aircraft and missile components, satellites and eventually back to optics and specifically space-borne earth observation systems.
Over the last 23 years, I have honed my skills driven by curiosity and passion. I now serve as the CEO of an exciting engineering company, Simera Group, in particular Simera Sense. My current role entails leading a team of passionate experts in the realization of small satellite optical payloads aimed at making earth observation effortless for our NewSpace clients.
While I used to find satisfaction in solving problems independently, my current satisfaction stems from witnessing the collective efforts of my exceptional Simera Sense team and our extensive global supplier, partner, and client network, turning game-changing ideas into exciting NewSpace missions.